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Digital and sustainable future: CAREL's offering at Chillventa 2024


Digital and sustainable future: CAREL's offering at Chillventa 2024

Digital and sustainable future: CAREL's offering at Chillventa 2024

CAREL will participate in Chillventa 2024 with an offering focused on three main themes: performance optimisation, digitalisation, and sustainability. The company, known for its expertise in developing technologies that enhance energy efficiency and reduce emissions, will showcase innovative solutions for the HVACR sector. In particular, CAREL has developed technologies that support industrial decarbonisation through the adoption of low environmental impact refrigerants.

A key aspect of CAREL's offering at Chillventa will be digitalisation, which is radically changing how HVACR systems are managed and monitored. CAREL will present solutions integrated with artificial intelligence technologies that enable centralised management, improving the efficiency and sustainability of systems, while facilitating remote monitoring and maintenance.

In addition to product presentations at the booth, CAREL will deliver seven sessions at Chillventa's Specialist Forums. Among the innovations presented are the evolution of one of the most widely installed electronic controllers in the food retail market, the new E5V-C valve for transcritical R-744 systems, and Software in the Loop technology, which enables faster and more efficient HVACR solution design, particularly for heat pumps.

And at the CAREL booth, throughout the event, "Technology on Stage" panels will be held, offering an opportunity to delve into the digital and software aspects of the solutions on display.


Visit chillventa.carel.com

